//Freelance Softwareengineer & IT Consultant


Building tech products that customers love

"How to create tech products customers love" is the subtitle of the book "Inspired" by Marty Cagan. Even if it's a book for product managers ,it is one of my favorite book I have read during my career. What most software engineers forget is that we build products with technology to solve a problem for a customer. Customer focus is the most important factor for a successful software product. 


I am a software engineer since 10 years. Even though I am a technical person my focus is on the product development. In my last projects I worked closely together with product managers to understand the customer requirements and translate them to engineers. 

Programming languages

  • Java / very good
  • Scala / good
  • Python / good
  • Kotlin / good


  • Spring Boot (Java/Kotlin)
  • Play Framework (Scala)
  • Flask (Python)


  • Amazon Web Services
  • Kubernetes
  • Docker
  • Git
  • CI/CD
  • Monitoring


  • PostgreSQL
  • Exasol


  • OAuth2 / OpenID
  • Scrum/Kanban
  • Batching
  • Messaging System (Apache Kafka/Nakadi)

Spoken Languages

  • German (native)
  • Turkish (native)
  • English (good/verhandlungssicher)

Below I listed some key values which I believe in...


Developing a software product in an agile way is so important because it focuses on the customer. The success criteria is the satisfaction of the customer. During my career I played a key role in setting up agile engineering teams and agile processes. 


I believe in product teams which are cross functional teams who own a whole application or a system. A software engineer is responsible for all phases of a software product like requirements gathering, designing, implementing, testing, releasing, maintaining, monitoring, bug fixing... Only software engineer with a strong ownership mindset can deliver the best software.


All soft skills of the world can not help if there is fundamental knowledge missing. A software engineer is a craftsman who needs to find the best tool and best solution for the current situation. In the past years I have built with my teams highly scalable software applications end to end. I am mastering the whole software development lifecycle and can help clients in each of the phases. Further only technical knowledge is not sufficient. Business understanding of engineers is one of the main contributors to a successful software product. By collaborating closely with business owners and product managers I am encouraging teams to think out of the box and come up with creative ideas.