//Freelance Softwareengineer & IT Consultant



Scaling up the Message Center
04/2022 - 09/2022

The Message Center of mobile.de is the heart of the communication between buyers and sellers. The goal of mobile.de is to onboard more users to the Message Center to encourage communication between buyers and sellers. The product was not ready to onboard new users which would increase the load. Our goal as a team was to prepare the technical infrastructure so that it is scalable.


Scala, Java, Akka


Migration of the in-house IAM solution to an IDaaS provider
01/2022 - 03/2022

The ImmoScout24 customer authentication and authorization was done by a custom in-house solution. I contributed to the migration from the in-house solution to the IDaaS provider. One of my main tasks was to migrate all existing users to the new provider.


Serverless Framework, AWS Lambda, DynamoDB, SQS